So I was
doin' my frequent
Craigslist crawl to see the junk people are trying to sell these days. Look what I found ... keep in mind the lighting on these pictures pretty much stinks.

It's a bakers prep table - galvanized stainless and maple wood top - listed for $100.00!
Hey, I could use this in the garage for a work table/potting table. Emailed the guy for the dimensions to see if it would fit in the nook that I was thinking of putting it in. When he emailed me back he asked what I was wanting to use it for. He had another table he was going to put up for sale and wanted to know if I would prefer it.

It was this beauty for $125.00. Again, galvanized stainless and maple!

Check this out - flour bins!!!! Soon to be used for potting soil of course.

Prefer it ??? - forget that - I want them both!
These pieces are now sitting in my garage waiting for me to clean out the area that will be their new home. A good scrub, sanding the top and putting a few coats of linseed oil and they will be like new.
$225.00 for both tables .....
IKEA couldn't even beat that!