Apr 11, 2008

BRING IT ON ..........

SPRING THAT IS ............

Out the front window ................

Back porch ....

Yes - I love the snow and the shapes that Mother Nature makes with it. I live in Colorado for a reason and learned to ski before I learned to run .....

But give me a f 'ing break - I am ready for some green grass and cherry blossom's ...........


Autumn said...

Oh she almost said the F word! woohoo she's coming to the dark side! LOL
I would be cussing if it was snowing at my house too! Hang in there girl... Spring is bound to show it's face sometime soon. :)

Lorelei Eurto said...

Oh noooooo. I'd be so sad!! We are expecting some snow today, but hopefully it won't stick to the ground. I'm sooo sorry!!

Bev said...

Isn't it great living in Colorado??? It takes lots of patience to make it through Spring.

cotedetexas said...

omg - wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in a short sleeved tshirt in Texas. I can not imagine this at all, it looks so beautiful and peaceful.