Jun 16, 2008

Craigslist Contemplation

I will be taking a look at these tomorrow........

Craigslist post states: "Hi, we are selling these 3 beautiful Vintage Italian Nesting tables.. the smallest is a music box they are all immaculate and beautiful inlaid with flowers..must see to believe!! "

Man, I hope that I hate them.

UPDATE: Hated them so much I couldn't live with out them. I will never tell what I paid for them.


Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Don't you just love "Craig's List". That's how I found my new ride and hope to sell the vintage one on there. When you get ready to come to the big shows, be sure and email me and I'll definately give you all the scoop plus more than you probably ever wanted to know. You'll have so much fun, that'll be guaranteed!! Have a great day, Theresa

diane said...

i have tables just like this. would you possibly tell me what you paid? we are selling ours. they are a little different but i cant find any anywhere.
